Do You Use Shaving Cream With An Electric Razor?

So, the day has finally come for you to learn the ways of shaving. We have all heard of the different methods of shaving – trimming with scissors, the electric razor, shaving cream – but is there a wrong way of doing it?

Do You Use Shaving Cream With An Electric Razor

In this article, we will specifically be looking at whether you can use shaving cream with an electric razor as well as answering some more of your shaving queries.

Can You Use Shaving Cream With An Electric Razor?

The answer to this question is not black and white, for there is a lot to unpack.

For many, it must seem strange to even consider using an electric shaver with shaving cream. Wouldn’t the electric shaver just smear the cream making a huge mess on your face? Surely the shaving cream would ruin your electric razor, right?

Well, if these are the questions going through your mind then you must not know about the two types of razors.

There is your standard electric razor which does not require anything other than the razor itself, and then you have the electric wet razor.

Electric wet razors are where shaving cream comes in handy – not only does this allow you to shave closer but your skin will be feeling as soft as ever by the end of it.

So, can you use an electric razor with shaving cream? The answer to that is both yes and no. It is all dependent on the type of electric razor you use and how you use it.

How To Shave The Right Way

If you are new to shaving or want to improve on your shaving technique, then have a read of our helpful guide to shaving. Shaving is not always smooth sailing. It can leave you feeling itchy, it may not be even, your skin might feel rough, or you may have cut yourself along the way.

Do You Use Shaving Cream With An Electric Razor (1)

If this is a problem you face, there is no need to be ashamed for this is completely natural. In order to improve, what is needed the most is a routine and a system. Once you have your system in check, you will be able to shave perfectly.

Quality Is Key

When it comes to choosing your shaving cream and razor, quality is key. Make sure that you get yourself a high quality razor and shaving cream that will do the job. Too often are people deflated about the state of their shaven face, but most of that is down to what you are using.

Although you can use just any cream and razor, good quality goes a long way. Not only will it have your face smooth and even but the equipment will last long too.


This is one of the most important steps in shaving and is a step that is not acknowledged enough. It is essential that your face is prepared before doing anything. Make sure that your face is thoroughly washed (face and neck). Only after this is done can you apply the shaving cream.

If you do not wash your face first then your skin will be left oily, full of dirt and dead skin.

Move Fast

When you are shaving, it is important to move quickly. With a razor, the longer they are on the warmer they become. As the motor in the razor heats up, this leads to your beard becoming unevenly shaven and not as clean as you would like.

To get the best shave, work fast. It is important not to rush but it is also important to work quickly. Shaving shouldn’t take any longer than a few minutes.

Applying Shaving Cream

It is often thought that a thick lather of cream is needed however that is not the case. Instead, all you need is a thin layer of shaving cream to apply to the face and neck. Massage it onto the skin, making sure to go against the grain.

You need the hair to soften so leave the cream on for around five minutes. By doing this, your beard will be much easier to shave.

Using An Electric Razor

Eventually it will be time to use the electric razor and this, for many, can be the difficult part. The biggest rule of thumb is to always shave against the grain. Simply take your hand and feel around your beard for the direction of growth.

Once you have found it, take your razor and shave against the grain for the best results. If you happen to have a rotary shaver, move the device in different directions when shaving.

After Shaving

So, you’ve finished shaving and your face is looking clear of hair and clean. Can you go back to your day now? The answer is no, for you still need to finish off.

After a shave, it is common for the face to become irritated and sensitive, so what you should do is rinse your face with cold water, dry, then apply some aftershave cream.

Final Thoughts

When it comes to shaving, it is important to do it correctly. It is not easy, especially for those new to shaving, and often you will find people with uneven shaves and cuts and bumps.

That is why we have put together this guide to help you only on your shaving journey.

Many people question whether shaving cream can be used with an electric razor, but the answer to that is not too simple. To put it simply, yes you can use shaving cream with an electric razor but this is not necessary to get the perfect beard. But with that said, it does help. 

The shaving cream along with the electric razor acts as a helping hand – with shaving cream you are able to get a closer shave and your skin will end up even softer than before.

Overall, shaving is an adventure for many. You may be young and learning how to shave, or maybe you’re finally tired of growing your beard out and want to get back into shaving. If this is you, this guide will be your answer.

Royale Sampson
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