What Does Beard Balm Do?

Moisturizing and nourishing your facial hair is essential for the overall health of your beard.

If you’ve never used a beard balm before, you might be wondering: What does beard balm do?

What Does Beard Balm Do

In this article, I will cover some key information about beard balms, including what beard balms do.

Let’s get into it.

What Does Beard Balm Do?

The key to having a healthy beard is a regular grooming routine that you stick to. The purpose of a beard balm is to soften your facial hair, helping to make your beard feel and look healthier in general.

If you don’t take proper care to maintain and care for your beard, it can quickly become dry, wiry, and prickly to the touch, which makes it all the more uncomfortable for you to have on your face!

This is where many people fall short, as they become impatient and decide that they’d rather shave their beard entirely. 

This is where facial hair care products, such as beard balm, come in handy. Beard balms are great for moisturizing your face and facial hair, bringing a boost of hydration that helps to prevent them from drying out.

A good beard balm is designed to coat your beard hairs, making them feel softer and smoother to the touch.

Using beard balm on a regular basis will not only result in softer facial hair that feels more comfortable against your skin, but will also help to promote healthier facial hair, too.

The Benefits Of Using Beard Balm 

There are a variety of different benefits for incorporating beard balm into your grooming routine. These benefits include but are not limited to:

Beard Balms Are Moisturizing 

Many people can benefit from a boost of moisture for their skin, especially when it comes to the winter months that can be incredibly drying.

Beards can also become very itchy on your face, especially around the 2 to 4 week mark of beard growth.

Bearing this in mind, beard balms are a wonderful way of keeping your facial hair and face moisturized, helping to avoid that tight, itchy feeling that many of us experience from dry skin and hair growth!

Beard Balm Provides Volume To Your Facial Hair 

When it comes to styling your beard, beard balm is an excellent product for providing volume.

While it won’t magically make your beard thicker, as beard balms contain beeswax and other ingredients, they can add a bit of volume and weight to your beard hairs.

Beard Balm Protects Your Face & Beard From Weather Conditions

Believe it or not, weather changes can affect the health of your beard. From cold weather, to humidity, to sun exposure, these weather conditions can put your beard and skin health under strain. 

Beard balm works to protect your beard as well as your skin, as it’s often made with hydrating beeswax as well a variety of carrier oils that help to nourish your hair and skin.

They Help To Style & Keep Your Beard In Place 

If you’re someone with a longer beard, beard balms are great for styling your beard and keeping it in place all day.

This is great for people with very thick, unruly or curly beards that need a little more help to tame.

Whether you’ve straightened your beard or want to keep it in a particular style, beard balms have great staying power that smooth your beard to ensure it remains like that throughout the day

Beard Balm Makes Your Beard Feel & Look Healthier 

Not only is beard balm great for nourishing and conditioning your beard, but it also makes it look super healthy too.

So, not only are you investing in something that is better for the overall health of your beard, but you’ll also look great. It’s a win-win!

How To Use A Beard Balm


Step One – Dampen Your Beard 

To begin, you will first need to dampen your beard slightly with water.

Step Two – Apply A Small Amount Of Beard Balm 

Following this, you will want to apply a small (pea sized) amount of beard balm to the palm of your hands.

Work the product in your hands, as the heat of your hands will melt the product. 

Step Three – Apply The Beard Balm

Begin by applying the beard balm to your skin, making sure to rub it into your skin by deeply pressing it in. You won’t want to rub your beard hairs aggressively, but just make sure that you are applying the balm to the skin underneath.

Step Four – Apply To The Beard Hairs 

Now, it’s time to apply the beard balm to your beard hairs! The best way to do this is to start at the bottom of your beard and work your way upwards.

Work your way all the way up your beard and to your sideburns, rubbing your hands in an upwards swiping movement.

Step Five – Comb Your Beard 

Last, but no no means least, comb through your beard hairs.

Now you’re good to go!

Tips When Using Beard Balm 

  • The longer your beard is, the more beard balm you will need. This simply comes down to the fact that there is more hair to nourish and condition!

  • However, when it comes to applying more beard balm, just be careful to not over do it. You want to moisturize, but too much product can make your beard look greasy if you’re not careful.
  • It’s a good idea to warm the beard balm in your hands beforehand, as the heat from your hands will help to melt the product and make it easier to work with before you apply it to your beard.
  • Remember, to hydrate your skin! Beard balms are great for moisturizing your skin, so make sure that you don’t forget to apply it to the skin underneath your beard!

In Summary 

Beard balms are designed to help hydrate and soften your beard. Hopefully after reading this article you have a better understanding of beard balm and what it does to your beard.

When using beard balm, keep these handy tips in your back pocket for future reference, and have fun experimenting with all the different styles you can achieve with beard balm!

Enjoy using beard balm!

Royale Sampson
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